Brown v Board at 66 (BONUS)

May 17, 2020

Today, May 17th, is the 66th anniversary of the Brown v. Board decision. Last year, we created a 6 part mini-series to commemorate the 65th anniversary, and we're going to be revisiting that mini-series over the next 6 weeks.

About This Episode

Integrated Schools
Integrated Schools
Brown v Board at 66 (BONUS)

Last year, leading up the 65th anniversary, we put together a 6 part mini-series called “The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Moving From Desegregation to Integration”.  It is in no way a comprehensive history, but hopefully it complicates the stories we tell about Brown v Board.  These stories and others about our past desegregation efforts have a huge impact on how we interact with school today, Our hope is that a more honest assessment of the history can be a first step towards real integration.


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We are a proud member of The Connectd Podcast Network.

The Integrated Schools Podcast was created by Courtney Mykytyn and Andrew Lefkowits.

This episode was produced by Courtney Mykytyn and Andrew Lefkowits.  It was edited, and mixed by Andrew Lefkowits.

Music by Kevin Casey.