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S5E13 – Raising White Kids with Jennifer Harvey

S5E13 – Raising White Kids with Jennifer Harvey

What is a healthy racial identity for a White person, and how do we help our White children develop one? We’re joined by Dr. Jennifer Harvey to discuss her book, Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America, as well her personal journey towards anti-racist organizing, educating, and child rearing.

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Brown v Board at 66 (BONUS)

Brown v Board at 66 (BONUS)

Today, May 17th, is the 66th anniversary of the Brown v. Board decision. Last year, we created a 6 part mini-series to commemorate the 65th anniversary, and we’re going to be revisiting that mini-series over the next 6 weeks.

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S5E12 – COVID-19: Matt Gonzales on Equity

S5E12 – COVID-19: Matt Gonzales on Equity

We’re joined by Matt Gonzales, the founder and director of the Integration and Innovation Initiative at the NYU Metro Center to discuss what equity looks like in the midst of this crisis, and how we can leverage community, relationships, and vulnerability to improve our educational system on the other side.

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S5E11 – COVID-19: Teacher Check-In

S5E11 – COVID-19: Teacher Check-In

We’re joined by two teachers, Zoe Rooney and Kara Cisco, who are grappling with what remote learning means for students already facing educational inequities. As we all have to balance and juggle and re-prioritize due to circumstances outside our control can we learn to have greater empathy for the families who have always had to cope with so many factors outside their control? And can we translate that lesson into a will to make systemic changes when our children return to their classrooms?

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S5E10 – COVID-19: Finding Community in Isolation

S5E10 – COVID-19: Finding Community in Isolation

We find ourselves in the most segregated school environment imaginable – quarantined at home. The inequities are glaring and the needs of our communities are all too real. We discuss making this time at home reflective of our values with Garrett Bucks – an anti-racist organizer, writer, and father of two.

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S5E9 – Choosing a School: Values, Privilege, and Responsibility

S5E9 – Choosing a School: Values, Privilege, and Responsibility

Choosing a school, as a white and / or privileged person can feel overwhelming. If you are prepared to set aside test scores and school ratings, what should take their place? We’re joined by two moms who are thinking through this decision for their soon-to-be elementary school kids.

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S5E8 – The Impacts of Testing Our Kids and Ranking Our Schools (Part 2)

S5E8 – The Impacts of Testing Our Kids and Ranking Our Schools (Part 2)

Nearly every public school in the country gets a rating from GreatSchools.org. What goes into these ratings, and what is the impact of having a national school rating system. Matt Barnum (Chalkbeat) joins us to discuss the ways these ratings can nudge families away from schools with higher concentrations of Black and Brown students.

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S5E7 – The Impacts of Testing Our Kids and Ranking Our Schools (Part 1)

S5E7 – The Impacts of Testing Our Kids and Ranking Our Schools (Part 1)

The first of a two-part series looking at how we assess school quality, and how that impacts our decisions around where to live and where to send our kids to school. How we define “good” and “bad” schools is a huge part of the smog we often talk about at Integrated Schools – and these two episodes get into the problems with the data we’re using, and the implications of that on the larger education system, and society as a whole.

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S5E4 – All I Want for Christmas is 3.5%

S5E4 – All I Want for Christmas is 3.5%

Before we head off to spend the holidays with our friends and families, we want to end 2019 on a hopeful note. Creating enduring political change — like an end to school segregation — begins with just 3.5% of actively engaged participants. Can we do it?

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Between We and They: A School Integration Story (TRAILER)

Between We and They: A School Integration Story (TRAILER)

Beth is a mom of two grappling with race, parenting and her own privilege in America. Looking back over the past year, we follow Beth as she learns how the choices she makes for her daughters’ schooling shapes how she lives in her city… where she belongs, who she calls “We.”

Episodes release every day starting Monday, Oct 14th. Subscribe now to make sure you don’t miss an episode.

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Not In My Suburbs: Milliken v. Bradley @ 45 (BONUS)

Not In My Suburbs: Milliken v. Bradley @ 45 (BONUS)

We’re joined by Michelle Adams, Constitutional Law Professor at Cardozo School of Law, who is writing a book on Milliken v Bradley, a case that functionally halted the promise of Brown v Board at the city limits, allowing all-white suburbs (created through policies like redlining) to maintain all-white schools.

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Busing: The Terms of the Debate (BONUS)

Busing: The Terms of the Debate (BONUS)

We’re joined by Dr. Matt Delmont who literally wrote the book on busing. We talk about the centering of White feelings that happened in the north, as the terms for debating desegregation were set.

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ICYMI: Seeing White (BONUS)

ICYMI: Seeing White (BONUS)

In 2017, Scene On Radio released a series called Seeing White. We’re thrilled to bring you some highlights, and some thoughts about how the idea of Whiteness impacts discussions of school integration.

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