“To be White is, is to be raised on lies. Lies that are passed down, generationally that a lot of White folks don’t always know that they’re passing down.” – Greg Jarrell
Our guest today, Greg Jarrell is an ordained minister, a cultural organizer and the author of Our Trespasses: White Churches and the Taking of American Neighborhoods. Through many years of building community while engaging in anti-racist learning, he has come to realize that he also has a stake in ending White supremacy, advancing racial justice, and building loving, multi-racial communities. He joins us to discuss the ongoing moral and intellectual deficiencies that come from Whiteness, the importance of intentional anti-racist education, and the need for material and cultural reparations. Jarrell emphasizes the necessity of developing multiracial coalitions and using one’s advantages to dismantle systemic inequities, in order to face historical scars and work towards a more just society.
- Our Trespasses: White Churches and the Taking of American Neighborhoods
- QC Family Tree in Charlotte, NC
- The Redress Movement
- ICYMI: Seeing White – Our episode sharing clips from the Seeing White season from Scene on Radio
- S5E3 – Gifts We Didn’t Expect: Family, Faith, and Integration – our conversation with Albert
- Charles Mills – The Racial Contract
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The Integrated Schools Podcast was created by Courtney Mykytyn and Andrew Lefkowits.
This episode was produced by Andrew Lefkowits and Val Brown. It was edited, and mixed by Andrew Lefkowits.
Music by Kevin Casey.