Howard University Law School is often called the launching pad for Brown v Board. Thurgood Marshall taught there, Charles Hamilton Houston, who was, in many ways, the architect of the multi-year legal strategy that led to BvB, was a dean. Yet here, in 2019, the work that Howard launched is still incomplete. By many measures, our schools are as segregated, if not more, than they were before the unanimous Brown v Board decision. The historical and ongoing segregation is core to educational and racial injustice, and constitutes a breach that our guest, Professor Justin Hansford, argues is in need of repair – a human rights violation that require reparations.
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- Houston Institue Panel on the 65th Anniversary of Brown v Board
- Professor Hansford’s Op-Ed for the ACLU
- Callie House – One of the leaders of the first organization to call for reparations in the late 1800s.
- Ta-Nehisi Coates – The Case for Reparations
- Ibram X. Kendi – How To Be An Anti-Racist
- Michelle Alexander – The New Jim Crow
- EdBuild’s Report on the $23 billon funding gap
- An example of reparations being paid in the US, from the Washington Post