Our podcast playlists group our episodes under a specific topic or theme, so that you can easily jump in and start learning more about integration work.
This playlist looks at integration and segregation from every aspect of the school experience. For example, you may understand how segregation shows up in school admissions but what about how it shows it in school lunch? Or school gun safety? Each podcast episode in the playlist examines a different (often overlooked) aspect of the school experience like school lunch, pre-k, PTA, and more. These episodes help us see the wider, insidious impact of discrimination, and they help us see what we can do to bring about meaningful integration in every aspect of the school experience.
S9E15 – School Lunch: Justice on the Menu
With participation from 30 million students and annual spending over $19B, The School Lunch Program has the potential to be a massive lever for change. A world of quality food, with universal participation, less environmental impact, better jobs for food workers, and happier, healthier kids is possible. However, to get there, The School Lunch Program needs us all to participate.
S9E13 – The Segregated Lives of Preschoolers
Preschool segregation profoundly impacts children and teachers. Dr. Casey Stockstill joins us to explore the importance of inclusive, diverse preschools, race and class dynamics for early learners, and the impacts segregation has on future learning environments.
S9E12 – School Safety: More Than One Dimension
School shootings are the most obvious manifestation of an un-safe school, and while they are tragic, they are rare compared to the daily harms our school structures can inflict on students. Dr. Meg Caven joins us to encourage a broader, more holistic view of school safety.
S9E3 – PTA So White

PTAs are often where kids are first exposed to civic engagement. They see caregivers organizing to advocate for resources and policies. And yet, there is a massive representation problem, leading to inequities. Dr. Brittany Murray joins us to discuss.
Ep 15 – Gifted, Talented, and Segregated
Gifted programs have long been criticized for serving a disproportionately large percentage of White and/or privileged students. In this episode, we talk about the challenges that gifted programs create for educational justice.