The Blog

Thoughts and news from the Integrated Schools community

Special Teacher’s Edition of Integrated Schools’ Book Club!

Special Teacher’s Edition of Integrated Schools’ Book Club!

We are thrilled to announce a special “teacher’s edition” of the Integrated Schools Book Club, a conversation that centers educators but also makes room for those of us across the Integrated Schools community who want to know how we can support teachers in honoring and uplifting the diverse backgrounds of our students.

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Solutions Addressing Disparities in Education: Supporting Black Teachers

Solutions Addressing Disparities in Education: Supporting Black Teachers

At Integrated Schools, one of the essential components of our Theory of Change is Advocate: To build a constituency for brave policy. We believe strongly in principles rooted in equity, one such principle being that all kids benefit from a diverse, multiracial teaching corps. And since we know that the majority of teachers across the country are white women, we clearly have a lot of work to do to support Black teachers and help grow our pool of teachers to more accurately represent our student population. 

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Podcast Playlist – Housing, Real Estate, and Segregation

Podcast Playlist – Housing, Real Estate, and Segregation

This playlist examines how real estate, zoning, and housing policies create, interact, and connect to segregation. For example, episodes in this playlist look at the historical legacy of redlining and how redlining still affects segregation today. Episodes also discuss gentrification from a first-hand experience and perspective, and episodes examine the complicated racial history and politics of The Suburbs.

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Podcast Playlist – Our Schools: A Comprehensive Perspective

Podcast Playlist – Our Schools: A Comprehensive Perspective

This playlist looks at integration and segregation from every aspect of the school experience. From school lunch, to pre-k, to PTA, and more. These episodes help us see the wider, insidious impact of segregation, and they help us see what we can do to bring about meaningful integration in every aspect of the school experience.

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People Like You Do Things Like This

People Like You Do Things Like This

When she and her husband decided to send their eldest daughter to the Title 1 school in their predominantly Spanish-speaking immigrant neighborhood of north Sunnyvale, Allison Joe never imagined she might one day run for school board. In this piece, she reflects on how Integrated Schools has guided her along the way, helping her “to articulate and lean into what I already knew was the right thing to do and way to be in our community.”

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