by Peter Piazza | Apr 3, 2023 | integration
A new study from an all-star lineup of researchers contrasts the hyper-competitive, win-loose kind of school decision making common in privileged parenting circles with an alternative that foregrounds mental/emotional health, perhaps as a response to the anxiety that characterizes this type of contemporary American parenting in privileged families.
by Peter Piazza | Feb 17, 2022 | integration, news, parenting, race, social justice
My last post was about the exchange between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden at the first round of Democratic primary debates earlier this summer. It’s amazing to me that this already feels so distant. Before getting to the main topic for the posts this week, here’s a quick summary of some of the major things that have happened in the last month or so.
by Peter Piazza | Feb 2, 2022 | news
This is a cross-posting from The School Diversity Notebook. You can read the orignial version here. As always, we are so grateful for SD Notebook and Peter’s collaboration and generosity with his thoughts and reflections!! #KnowBetterDoBetter Part II: A...
by Peter Piazza | Feb 2, 2022 | news
This is a cross-posting from The School Diversity Notebook. You can read the orignial version here. As always, we are so grateful for SD Notebook and Peter’s collaboration and generosity with his thoughts and reflections!! #KnowBetterDoBetter: A conversation among...
by Peter Piazza | Feb 17, 2021 | news
This may seem obvious, but I’m stunned by it every time: white students are the most segregated group in American k-12 schools, by a lot. And, it’s basically been that way forever.