On Choosing the Name ‘Integrated Schools’

“The name ’Integrated Schools’ just feels… too hard. It feels like work.” “It makes me think of all the ugly busing protests. Ugh.” “Why can’t you choose something nicer, more like a warm hug?  Like togetherness-, multicultural-, or unity-something?” There are many...

California’s new SchoolFinder App

As NYC is trying to come up with a city integration plan, California has developed a segregation app! Way to go, left coast!   Now, as you’re looking to enroll your kids in school in CA, you can use this handy phone/tablet app cleverly named CA Schools to do...

What Can I Do?

You care about the issue of school segregation. You want to get involved. Here’s how: 1. Subscribe! Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram and follow along for school integration news, commentary, announcements. 2. Reach out. The importance of getting...

you DO have power

It’s the micromoments.   I’m standing in line buying too much toilet paper and that bottle of hand soap that I don’t need but has an irresistibly pretty label.  The woman waiting to check out behind me asks: “hey, nice cleanser… where do your kids go to school?”....