Thought Leader Thursdays!

by | Jul 16, 2020

Back in February, we launched a weekly social media campaign called Thought Leader Thursday. We understand that not all of our coconspirators and followers are on social media, so we […]

Back in February, we launched a weekly social media campaign called Thought Leader Thursday. We understand that not all of our coconspirators and followers are on social media, so we wanted to introduce this content to blog readers as well.

We believe the work of anti-racist school integration is about action, about physically being in spaces, but it’s also so much about how we show up. Education – both learning and UN-learning- as a parent is such an important part of this work. As a group of predominantly White and/or privileged parents, we want this space to be a space of learning and engagement, where we learn to confront the narratives we have passively consumed, about who has value and who doesn’t, about what is a “good” school and a “bad” school. And, societally, we are LATE to this work.

There are SO MANY AMAZING BIPOC thought leaders, activists, educators, academics and revolutionaries who are teaching and sharing and doing the work to de-center whiteness and educate about anti-racism. And WE have learned so much about how we need to show up from these folks, that we are going to start sharing them with you all. Once a week on Thursdays, we will highlight an organization or individual who has influenced our thinking and action, and encourage you to listen, follow, share, and support their work!

This week our Thought Leader is Civil Rights Lawyer, Advocate, Legal Scholar and Author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

“As a society, our decision to heap shame and contempt upon those who struggle and fail in a system designed to keep them locked up and locked out says far more about ourselves than it does about them.” Do you have a favorite quote from @thenewjimcrow? Share it with us in the comments.


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