S6E8 – BvB@67 – Rucker Johnson Revisited

S6E8 – BvB@67 – Rucker Johnson Revisited

Brown v Board at Sixty-Seven – The Stories We Tell Ourselves – Revisted. All this week we will be re-running our BvB@65 series with new edits and new commentary. In this first episode, we’re joined by Dr. Rucker Johnson, author of Children of the Dream: Why Integration Works.

S6E7 – Better Schools Through Parent Empowerment

S6E7 – Better Schools Through Parent Empowerment

Parents and caregivers have the potential to be key drivers of school improvement. However, who makes up that empowered group is a key question. Aurelio Montemayor has been organizing parents for decades, and he joins us to share his experience and advice.

S6E6 – Where We Begin – An Integrated Schools Webinar

S6E6 – Where We Begin – An Integrated Schools Webinar

Today’s episode is an edit of our first ever webinar- The Integrated Schools Movement: Where We Begin.  In it, we explore how our schools got to where they are now, and what role we play in either maintaining or disrupting this system. Members of our all-volunteer crew share personal stories of enrolling our kids in global-majority schools, and the joys and missteps we experience while showing up as parents and community members.

S6E5 Zero-Sum Politics: Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts Us All

S6E5 Zero-Sum Politics: Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts Us All

The conversation around schools can often feel like the goal isn’t “good” schools, but simply “better-than” schools – schools that will give our kids a leg up on the other kids. The idea driving this mindset, a zero-sum version of prosperity that assumes advances for some must come at the cost of others, is based on the lie of racial hierarchy upon which our country was founded. Heather McGhee’s new book, The Sum of Us, illuminates this issue, and calls us to imagine something better.

S6E4 – In Full View of Race: Elise Boddie on Integration

S6E4 – In Full View of Race: Elise Boddie on Integration

Law professor, Elise Boddie, has said that the biggest stumbling block to advancing school integration is the White progressive liberal. She joins us to talk about a vision of integration that allows for all kids to thrive not because of race, not in spite of race, but in full view of race.