by Andrew | May 26, 2021
In our season 6 finale, we’re looking back at the infamous “separate but equal” case – Plessy v Ferguson, and how we continue to live with many of the ramifications of that decision today. Attorney Paula Forbes joins us to discuss the importance of reckoning with our past and repairing in order to create the future we desire.
by Andrew | May 14, 2021
Greg and Carol, two Black parents from different parts of the county, share their experiences in mostly White schools. Through them, we can see how far we have to go to created truly integrated schools.
by Andrew | May 13, 2021
Part 4 of our Brown v Board at 67 series pushes back on the narrative that desegregation is solely about Black and White kids. David Hinojosa helps us better understand Latinx perspectives on integration from before Brown through today.
by Andrew | May 12, 2021
Dr. Amanda Lewis joins us to discuss the legacy of Brown v Board, and how the stories we tell about it, allow even our most desegregated schools to continue to impact kids in very racialized ways.
by Andrew | May 11, 2021
Today we revisit Part two of Brown v. Board at 65: The Stories We Tell Ourselves, featuring Dr. Noliwe Rooks. She helps us tell the full story of Brown v Board, including the harm it caused, particularly as it relates to Black teachers and Black schools.