S7E9 – Revisiting Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts Us All

S7E9 – Revisiting Heather McGhee on How Racism Hurts Us All

The idea of a zero-sum version of prosperity that assumes advances for some must come at the cost of others, is based on the lie of racial hierarchy upon which our country was founded. Heather McGhee’s book, The Sum of Us, illuminates this issue, and calls us to imagine something better. The paperback version was released today, so we are revisiting the episode with new commentary from Andrew and Val.

S7E8 – Parenting for Racial Justice

S7E8 – Parenting for Racial Justice

Chrissy Colón Bradt is an Afro-Latina mother of 2, married to a White man. She has thought a lot about how to support her kids in their own racial identity development. She is the co-author of the Parenting for Racial Justice chapter in the new book, Parenting for Social Justice. She joins us to discuss.

S7E6 – Teacher Check-In Revisited

S7E6 – Teacher Check-In Revisited

Despite a feeling of normalcy around schools this year, teachers are screaming that the crisis is not over. For many, this school year is the hardest yet in the COVID era. We revisit a conversation with teachers from April of 2020 and provide some updated perspectives.

S7E5 – Not Your Model Minority

S7E5 – Not Your Model Minority

We’re joined by educator, speaker, and professional development specialist Dr. Sarah-Soonling Blackburn to discuss the myth of the “Model Minority.” Dr. Blackburn talks about the personal and societal trauma of our racial hierarchy and what may be gained from unpacking and disassembling these old narratives in a way that gets us closer to collective solidarity.