by Andrew | Mar 19, 2025
Public education is the bedrock of democracy and our best tool to create active, engaged citizens, but Dr. Eve L. Ewing argues it was never intended to do that for Black or Native students. In fact, her new book, Original Sins: The (MIs)education of Black and Native Children and the Construction of American Racism, maintains that schooling in America was created to prepare White kids for leadership, Black kids for subjugation, and Native kids for erasure.
by Andrew | Mar 5, 2025
“To be White is, is to be raised on lies. Lies that are passed down generationally.”
Greg Jarrell is an ordained minister, a cultural organizer and joins us to discuss the ongoing moral and intellectual deficiencies that come from Whiteness, the importance of intentional anti-racist education, and the need for material and cultural reparations.
by Andrew | Feb 19, 2025
Omkari Williams believes deeply in the power of people to change their environments – that through the power of the human spirit, and small, concrete actions, anything is possible. She joins us to discuss her book, Micro Activism: How You Can Make a Difference in the World without a Bullhorn, and leaves us with hope in dark times.
by Andrew | Feb 5, 2025
Milliken v Bradley, a court case decided in 1974, put an end to the promise of integration made in the Brown v Board case. It codified in law that White flight is a path to avoid integration. Michelle Adams is a constitutional law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, and has a new book about the decision and the impacts we still feel today. She joins us to discuss her life, the book, and why she cares so deeply about this decision.
by Andrew | Jan 22, 2025
Choosing an integrating school can feel like a risky choice, and leave us wanting a crystal ball to see the future. We’re joined by Susan and her son Elias, who reflect on their journey through integrating schools. Elias, now a sophomore is grateful for the things he’s gained as White student in predominately Black and brown schools.