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S11E12: Schools and Race: Eve Ewing on the Construction of American Racism

S11E12: Schools and Race: Eve Ewing on the Construction of American Racism

Public education is the bedrock of democracy and our best tool to create active, engaged citizens, but Dr. Eve L. Ewing argues it was never intended to do that for Black or Native students. In fact, her new book, Original Sins: The (MIs)education of Black and Native Children and the Construction of American Racism, maintains that schooling in America was created to prepare White kids for leadership, Black kids for subjugation, and Native kids for erasure. 

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S11E11 – Lies and Moral Deficiencies: Greg Jarrell on Whiteness

S11E11 – Lies and Moral Deficiencies: Greg Jarrell on Whiteness

“To be White is, is to be raised on lies. Lies that are passed down generationally.”
Greg Jarrell is an ordained minister, a cultural organizer and joins us to discuss the ongoing moral and intellectual deficiencies that come from Whiteness, the importance of intentional anti-racist education, and the need for material and cultural reparations.

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S11E10 – Micro Activism: Making a Difference One Step at a Time

S11E10 – Micro Activism: Making a Difference One Step at a Time

Omkari Williams believes deeply in the power of people to change their environments – that through the power of the human spirit, and small, concrete actions, anything is possible. She joins us to discuss her book, Micro Activism: How You Can Make a Difference in the World without a Bullhorn, and leaves us with hope in dark times.

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S11E9: The Containment: Michelle Adams on Northern Jim Crow

S11E9: The Containment: Michelle Adams on Northern Jim Crow

Milliken v Bradley, a court case decided in 1974, put an end to the promise of integration made in the Brown v Board case. It codified in law that White flight is a path to avoid integration. Michelle Adams is a constitutional law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, and has a new book about the decision and the impacts we still feel today. She joins us to discuss her life, the book, and why she cares so deeply about this decision.

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S11E7 – How Schools Make Race with Dr. Laura Chávez-Moreno

S11E7 – How Schools Make Race with Dr. Laura Chávez-Moreno

Race is a social construct and schools are a key place where those categories get constructed and re-constructed. Dr. Laura Chávez-Moreno joins us to discuss the role schools place in race making, and, in particular, how dual-language programs impact our understanding of Latinx as a racial category.

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S11E6 – Advocacy for Equitable Funding and Integration with Brown’s Promise

S11E6 – Advocacy for Equitable Funding and Integration with Brown’s Promise

School funding disparities and school segregation are often treated as separate issues. Brown’s Promise believes we can’t solve one without solving the other. Saba Bireda and Ary Amerikaner, the founders of Brown’s Promise, join us to discuss their work, how parents and caregivers can get involved in advocacy work, and what the world might look like if we could solve these two, interrelated issues.  

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S11E5 – Reflections on the 2024 Election

S11E5 – Reflections on the 2024 Election

In the wake of the election results, Dr. Val and Andrew sit down to reflect on what it means for ourselves, for the Integrated Schools movement, and for the institution of public education.  

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S11E4 – White Rage Revisited with Carol Anderson

S11E4 – White Rage Revisited with Carol Anderson

“Since the days of enslavement, African Americans have fought to gain access to quality education. Education can be transformative. Education strengthens a democracy.” – Dr. Carol Anderson, author of White Rage. In this week before the election, we are revisiting this conversation from March of 2022 discussing the White rage backlash to the Brown v. Board decision, and how it is as relevant today as it was in the late 1950s.

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S11E3: The First – One Family’s Desegregation Story

S11E3: The First – One Family’s Desegregation Story

Dr. Sandra Mitchell was entering the 4th grade in 1963 when her family decided to desegregate Stonewall Jackson Elementary in Petersburg, VA. She joins us to tell her story of struggle and hope. We also get to hear from her father, the Reverend Grady Powell, who, at 92, continues to be a powerful voice for integration.

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S11E2 – Deny, Defund, Divert: Janel George on Race and Justice in Education

S11E2 – Deny, Defund, Divert: Janel George on Race and Justice in Education

Janel George, a Georgetown Law professor, recently wrote a paper called “Deny, Defund, and Divert: The Law and American Miseducation”, the piece outlines historical and modern systemic educational inequalities faced by Black communities, linked to legislative actions and adaptations of White supremacy. She joins us to talk about legislative lawyering, the importance of community engagement when making public policy, and the ongoing role of systemic racism in our legal and education systems.

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S11E1 – Season 11 Kickoff: Recommitted

S11E1 – Season 11 Kickoff: Recommitted

We’re back!!  We hope you had a wonderful summer!  We’re excited to be back in your feeds as a new school year gets underway.  As we kick off season 11 of the podcast, we are recommitting to the mission and vision of Integrated Schools, and using the podcast as a platform to invite you in to the conversation.  

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S10E19 – Reflections On Season 10

S10E19 – Reflections On Season 10

As Season 10 comes to a close, we reflect on what we learned over the past 19 episodes. Digging into our themes of the importance of public schools, the power of story telling, the need for community, and stamina, we shared incredible conversations over the past season. We close the season out with some reflections and some listener voice memos.

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S10E18 – The 70th Anniversary of Brown v Board – Do It Live!

S10E18 – The 70th Anniversary of Brown v Board – Do It Live!

The National Coalition for School Diversity, The Century Foundation, and the American Institutes for Research invited us to facilitate their event marking the 70th anniversary of Brown v Board.  Hosted at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, on the Oprah Winfrey Stage, we were honored to facilitate three panel discussions grappling with the challenges we face today in fulfilling the true promise of Brown.  
Joined by an amazing group of speakers, from the incredible Representative Jim Clyburn, to past podcast guests, Stefan Lallinger and Matt Gonzales, to many others, we are thrilled to share excerpts from the event today.

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S10E17 – A Tipping Point for Change 70 Years After Brown v Board

S10E17 – A Tipping Point for Change 70 Years After Brown v Board

Seventy years after the Brown v Board decision, the unfulfilled promises of the case drive so much of the work of Integrated Schools. That work was started by Courtney Mykytyn, who was born 19 years to the day after the decision was handed down. After her tragic death in 2019, Integrated Schools found a way to move forward with her vision guiding us. To commemorate this important day, we are sharing one of Courtney’s final episodes, called All I Want for Christmas is 3.5%.

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S10E16 – Local Stories of Desegregation: Charlotte

S10E16 – Local Stories of Desegregation: Charlotte

Dr. James Ford grew up in Illinois and was bussed through a desegregation plan premised on the Supreme Court case, Swann v Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. He experienced an educational environment that felt unwelcoming, and, at time, outwardly hostile. Eventually landing in Charlotte as a teacher, he wanted to understand the history of the city and choices made by the people in power that led to him teaching in a highly segregated high school named after the superintendent who had overseen the nationally lauded desegregation plans of the 70s.

He joins us to share the history of Charlotte, and his current work at the Center for Racial Equity in Education.

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S10E15 – Rebuilding The Black Educator Pipeline with Sharif El-Mekki

S10E15 – Rebuilding The Black Educator Pipeline with Sharif El-Mekki

Knowing the power of the Black educational tradition, and the documented impact of Black teachers on students, Sharif El-Mekki founded The Center for Black Educator Development to rebuild the Black educator pipeline that was crushed in the wake of desegregation attempts around the country. He joins us to discuss his work, and explain how it is rooted in a Black educational tradition that stretches back generations.

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S10E14 – Jim Crow’s Pink Slip with Dr. Leslie Fenwick

S10E14 – Jim Crow’s Pink Slip with Dr. Leslie Fenwick

In Jim Crow’s Pink Slip, Dr. Leslie Fenwick tells the untold story of the 100,000 Black teachers and principals who were lost in the wake of desegregation attempts across the South. She joins us to talk about the book, her journey to writing it, and what understanding this untold history means for the ongoing quest for more teachers of color.

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S10E13 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 3)

S10E13 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 3)

Local stories of desegregation hold the power to uplift those who fought for justice, the demands they made, and the ways we have failed to honor that work. Over the coming months we will be diving into several local stories, starting with Denver, CO and the court case, Keyes v School District No 1. Decided 50 years ago, the Keyes case was the first to try the standard set in Brown v Board outside of the South, resulting in massive changes both nationally and locally.

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S10E12 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 2)

S10E12 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 2)

Local stories of desegregation hold the power to uplift those who fought for justice, the demands they made, and the ways we have failed to honor that work. Over the coming months we will be diving into several local stories, starting with Denver, CO and the court case, Keyes v School District No 1. Decided 50 years ago, the Keyes case was the first to try the standard set in Brown v Board outside of the South, resulting in massive changes both nationally and locally.

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S10E11 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 1)

S10E11 – Local Stories of Desegregation: DENVER (Part 1)

Local stories of desegregation hold the power to uplift those who fought for justice, the demands they made, and the ways we have failed to honor that work. Over the coming months we will be diving into several local stories, starting with Denver, CO and the court case, Keyes v School District No 1. Decided 50 years ago, the Keyes case was the first to try the standard set in Brown v Board outside of the South, resulting in massive changes both nationally and locally.

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S10E10 – Parenting to Create the World We Want

S10E10 – Parenting to Create the World We Want

Jon Tobin, and his wife Amanda, strive to continually finds ways to make decisions that reflect their values, that support their kids, and that work to make the world just a bit more just, everyday.  With a deep belief in the power of community, in the need to be rooted in place, and the need to invest their resources, time and energy into their community, they support their local, public school by sending their kids, showing up humbly, and doing the sometimes slow work to build community.

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S10E9 – The Importance of Belonging with Dr. Shanette Porter

S10E9 – The Importance of Belonging with Dr. Shanette Porter

There’s a difference between feeling like you belong in a space and that that space belongs to you.  Dr. Shanette Porter has studied schools that have created that sense of belonging, and found that not only are strictly academic measures improved (test scores, etc), but other benefits come as well.  From increased graduation rates, to decreased disciplinary incidents, to increased attendance, schools that focus on creating a sense of belonging do better for the whole child.  

Dr. Porter joins us to share some of her findings, as well as a powerful definition of belonging.  

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S10E7 – 2023 In Review

S10E7 – 2023 In Review

To close out the year, we share listener voice memos, an update on Integrated Schools, including our new board of directors, and tease a few of the episodes coming in the new year!

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S10E6 – ICYMI: Teaching Hard History

S10E6 – ICYMI: Teaching Hard History

Is a child ever too young to learn about race? We’re sharing an episode from Learning for Justice’s Teaching Hard History podcast today that answers that question with a resounding no. One of our summer interns, Jaden González, brought us the episode and joins to discuss it, along with his own racial identity development as a Puerto Rican growing up in New York City with a multiracial family.  

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S10E5 – Taking Just Action for Integration with Richard and Leah Rothstein

S10E5 – Taking Just Action for Integration with Richard and Leah Rothstein

Richard Rothstein’s The Color of Law unveiled institutionalized racial segregation and its lingering impacts on our country. The ways that we are segregated today were caused by intentional governmental policies, and we have yet to redress the harm caused.  Richard’s daughter Leah, joined him to write Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law. They both join us to talk about the books and role we all have to play in creating the true multiracial democracy we are striving for. 

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S10E4 – Managing an Increasingly Diverse and Unequal Education System with Dr. Erica Turner

S10E4 – Managing an Increasingly Diverse and Unequal Education System with Dr. Erica Turner

As our country becomes increasingly racially diverse and socioeconomically unequal, schools are often the first public institutions addressing those changes.  Dr. Erica Turner has studied how district level leaders have dealt with this, and wrote about it in her book, Suddenly Diverse, How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality.  She joins us to share some of what she found.

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S10E3 – There Goes the Neighborhood with Jade Adia

S10E3 – There Goes the Neighborhood with Jade Adia

Gentrification sucks . . . yet change is inevitable.  We’re joined today by Young Adult author, Jade Adia, whose first novel, There Goes The Neighborhood takes place in a fictional neighborhood in South LA being wracked by gentrification.  We discuss Jade’s personal story and how it led to her writing this novel, and we discuss ways of getting involved and finding connection in our neighborhoods.   

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S10E2 – The Demands and Promises of Integration with John Blake

S10E2 – The Demands and Promises of Integration with John Blake

John Blake has been writing about race and religion as a reporter for over 25 years, and over those years he has come to discover that facts don’t change people, relationships do.  His relationship with his mother and her sister, his father’s relationships on the decks of a Merchant Marine ship, the multi-racial community he formed through church – these relationships across difference are what led to changes in racial attitudes for his relatives and for himself.  He chronicles it all in his memoir, More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew, and he joins us to talk about it.  

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Do you have a story to tell? An idea for something we should cover? General feedback about the podcast? Let us know!