by Courtney Mykytyn | Mar 28, 2017 | news, race, social justice
This Baltimore Sun series on school integration is solid – heartbreaking and well worth a read. The first article, Bridging the Divide, reports on the process of redrawing school boundaries and (spoiler alert!) another win for segregation under the guise of...
by Courtney Mykytyn | Feb 21, 2017 | news, race, social justice
Nikole Hannah-Jones… Perfect read for a Tuesday morning. She offers up a brief history of our notion of the “common good” of our public institutions… and how systemic racism has continued to shape which “common” the...
by Courtney Mykytyn | Feb 3, 2017 | news, parenting, race, social justice
I’ve had so many people telling me that pushing for school integration through parents is a losing battle — racism/classism notwithstanding, the segregation of our neighborhoods is always cited. Of course housing (and redlining etc) affects school...
by Courtney Mykytyn | Jan 31, 2017 | news, race, social justice
Not very surprising article from the Atlantic… “But is all this work from parent-school groups—work that is done with the best of intentions—unfairly increasing advantages in already privileged communities?” Ummm…. yeah. Rob Reich (professor of...
by Courtney Mykytyn | Jan 12, 2017 | our stories, parenting, race, social justice
Seriously. I’ve been a bit out of touch taking care of an ill relative, but I finally got the chance to watch Obama’s Farewell Address… (you can and, if you haven’t already, definitely should watch the whole thing here. Damn. I’ve been thinking nonstop about the...
by Courtney Mykytyn | Jan 1, 2017 | book club, our stories, parenting, race, social justice
Been spending a good amount of time this holiday break hanging with the family and crocheting pillows to replace the ones that my stupid best friend’s stupid dog ate while I was so generously dogsitting. But also, have been doing a lot of reading. The brokenhearted...