Join the Cincinnati Chapter for a documentary film: Can We All Get Along? Followed by panel discussion: Is School Choice Really a Choice? Parent/Teacher dilemma.
Pablo Miralles' film explores the complex history of his school's and the 1970 court order that created the first Federal desegregation plan outside of the south.
We're excited to invite you to our upcoming quarterly meeting for the Hamden Chapter of Integrated Schools on Thursday, October 24 at 6:30pm at Mazorca Mexican restaurant in Hamden. We're thrilled to have Dr. Mira Debs, Director of Educational Studies at Yale University, joining us as a special guest. If you're thinking of coming, please […]
If you're a little confused about what's been happening with school consolidations in Seattle, you're not alone. There's been a ton of back-and-forth and many folks are scrambling to figure out how best to advocate for our students during this time of severe budget shortfalls. At Integrated Schools, we believe that building relationships is the […]
Join us to discuss Dr. Beverly Daniel-Tatum's book, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria. For more info - email